
Living better together in our democratic republic

An Informed Public

We live in an America divided by faith, class, geography, education, culture, political views and race. Many hold stereotyped and exaggerated opinions of their ideological and political opposites. Fifty percent of each political party view members of the ‘other’ party not as opponents, but as ‘the enemy’ and a troubling number of Americans condone the use of violence in the political arena. While not all Americans hold these views, social and general media tend to focus on the most vitriolic views on each side. Much of this extreme polarization is being nurtured by rampant misinformation and disinformation across a fractured media and social media landscape, through which individuals are able to select news and information that reinforces what they already believe, regardless of its accuracy. Our goal is to support and reinforce accurate reliable information from credible sources, also conveyed by trustworthy messengers. Our work will include identifying the most trustworthy communicators and working together to increase trust and reliance on news and information and one another.